Fun Days

Wednesdays are Fun Days at the DSC

  • Water, coffee and tea are available, and soft-drinks are served after lunch.
  • Every Wednesday 11am to 4pm
  • Purchase a three-dollar tally card for access to all activities: lunch, snacks, drinks & door prizes!


Lunch is provided weekly by Meals on Wheels and is served at noon. Seniors may select from two entrees on the prior week. The cost is included in the $3 fee (additional donations are, of course, most welcome).

Main Events

  • Bingo begins at 1:00 pm
  • Cards also begin at 1:00 pm: Poker, Euchre, Kings in the Corner, and many other games are enjoyed.

Fabulous Door Prizes!

These are awarded at 2:30. Also, split the pot tickets are available at the door. $2 will get you three chances to come out ahead!


There’s good fellowship all around. Birthdays are celebrated. Announcements are made, and our president will briefly fill you in on upcoming events and notable landmarks of our members.

Everyone’s a winner on fun days!